Friday, August 22, 2008


I am getting down to 6 days left of BCP.  6 days or so until I start this hazy, fuzzy, terrifying journey of IVF.  I have a general idea of what is going to go on.  I believe it is going to cost a crap load of $$.  I know I am praying as hard as I can possibly pray that I become pregnant this cycle, carry this baby (or babies) to term and deliver a heathy child (or children).  

But sometimes I think that praying doesn't do me a lick of good. has praying helped with my other 4 losses?  My mom told me this month that she has finally realized that she needs to be specific with her prayers.  She had just been praying for a pregnancy.  Now she prays for me to deliver a healthy baby.

6 days, people.  Holy crap.

But the good news is that my dr's office got some more units of my baby daddy in.  I don't have to go on a hunt for a new daddy.  I guess Gerard Butler is saved from fathering my children.

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