Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I have no idea what is going on.  I am taking prometrium "suppositories" until I take my pregnancy test this Friday.  The prometrium gives all the side effects of pregnancy.  Monday I noticed some spotting and decided that I must not be pregnant.  But the spotting only shows up when I insert the prometrium....there is nothing during the day.  Each time I see nothing, I think "I have no idea what is going on".  

To make matters even more confusing, if I am not pregnant, I have enough shots for six days.  The problem is that since I order the meds from overseas, it takes about 5 days to get here.  So if I am not pregnant, I need to time this order very carefully or I will need to skip a month.  Arrgghh.

Sometimes I truly despise this process and wonder why I am doing it.  That is not completely true - I do know why I am doing it.  I just get so frustrated at times.  Why is something so basic, so natural so utterly difficult?   I guess I will just appreciate it all the more when it finally happens. 

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