Saturday, September 20, 2008


I had my transfer on Wednesday.  It went very well.  Dr D called to tell me I had 7 embies to choose from and she was VERY pleased with their quality.  She picked 3 to transfer in.  I had to have a full bladder when I got to the hospital at 9:30, so I thought "ok, I will tinkle at 8:00 and then drink water like crazy".  I mean, I didn't want to be in massive pain cuz I needed to potty...just minor pain.  

I am laying in bed in the hospital and the nurse tells me it is time to take my valium.  I drink 1/2 of a bottle of water with 3rd bottle, mind you.  I am comfortably uncomfortable if that make sense.  Then 15 minutes later, I am in HELL.  I don't know that I have ever been that uncomfortable.  It wasn't that I needed to pee, like where you cross your legs. It was "I have a SHARP SHOOTING pain down there and I can't stand it."  My mom called the nurse and, lord love her, she let me tinkle a bit to relieve the pressure.  She was a true angel.  

So then I have to walk down to the room where they will do the transfer....and by walk, I mean a hunched-over-shuffle.  I get on the table, feet in stirrups and the RE inserts the speculum.  That was NOT fun.  She keeps telling me I am going to push it out unless I relax.  Umm, lets see. My bladder is going to explode and I am to relax.  That valium didn't work at all.  I know during the transfer the u/s tech made some comment, but I couldn't, for the life of me, repeat it.  After the transfer, they put a catheter in. Let me tell you this: that feeling was almost better than sex.  It was pure JOY.  I just laid there with my eyes closed going "ahhhhhh".  My RE gave me pictures of the embies - I think she showed me which ones she transfered but I was so blissed out by the catheter that I don't know for sure what ones they were.

So I went home with my mom, laid on my butt and basically tried not to move very much.  It was boring, but necessary.  Now I am waiting.  I had a blood draw this morning - to find out what I am not sure.  I need to ask when they call in.

OH! I had some more good news.  All 4 remaining embies made it to blast stage and have gone to the freezer!  That is great news!! Hopefully I won't need them, but I am so blessed to have them there.  I pray that if I need them, 2 would make it through the thaw phase.  But I am not going to think of that yet.  I am just praying like crazy and hoping I will have some sticky beans in there. Please please please please please get the idea.

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