I held my friend's sweet baby girl today - what a little doll. For some reason, it wasn't painful. I felt a twinge, an "I want this" sort of thing, but it wasn't heartbreaking. It was good. She is a beautiful little thing and her big brother is a charmer.
Although, I ate at Cheesecake Factory this week and every other woman through those damn doors was pregnant. Bitches. Each and every one of them.
I am going out of town to see another friend tomorrow. I plan on drinking a lot. But I have to drive, so that plan may need to be amended. I am really looking forward to it.
I woke up this morning to Murray, my cat, dry heaving in the hall.
This rain is making me sleepy. I should turn on my furnace, but I am cheap and roll up in a blanket. I found an electric throw and just about did a cart wheel in Sears. I can keep my furnace on 62 with that thing...except in the mornings - then I need at least 68 to shower. I haven't actually gotten the electric throw yet, but I am glad to know it is there.
Can you tell I am cheap? I never turn the air on (unless it is consistently above 90) and keep the furnace set super low. My mom wants me to get an electric throw for her too, as she shivers whenever she comes over. Maybe I am taking this cheap thing too far????
Halloween is my 2nd favorite holiday. I need to start thinking of a costume. I think I am actually very good at coming up with odd ideas. I went as a flower pot one year - cut the bottom out of a big plastic tub (you remember those old blue ones with rope handles???), held it on with suspenders and put that green styrofoam (that they use in flower arrangements) around the inside of the tube and stuck in fake flowers. I had on brown tights (dirt, for those who can't figure it out), astroturf around the bottom of the tube (um, grass), a green turtleneck (the flower stem) and a childs headband with petals on my head. It was actually a very good costume. Until I figured out a) I could not sit down and b) I couldn't pee. Both are pretty important. Oh well. I looked cute.
My youngun is still around. Both brothers and sisters in law gave a "no comment". After he grilled my SIL about just voting for Obama cuz she is black, I pretty much knew the favorable comments were not coming. The youngun doesn't do it to be intentionally offensive. He is just a bit socially awkward. But that sweet bottom just keeps drawing me in. Maybe if I take advantage of him for awhile, the appeal will wear off.
Another friend of mine wants to set me up with one of her hubbie's friends. I have met him before and he seems nice. He has a 2 year old son, so is a proven breeder...which is a bonus. In the old days, didn't the man look for a "breeder"? Hmmm. Oh well. I need someone with some powerful sperm - and a million dollars.
I still have 4 frozen embies in the freezer. I think I may try in January or February. It just depends. My place of employment had some lay offs last week. I was a brilliant planner and didn't teach my staff everything. I am the only one who knows everything about the rules/systems. If they lay me off, they are screwed. But if they laid me off, I don't think I would care if they were screwed, would I?
Ok - I have posted enough to not feel guilty. Peace out.